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Hungarian Pronunciation


In a shopping centre, I saw this: 

Mobiltelefon should not be a problem for a language learner, but what about szaküzlet?

üzlet = business, shop

And szak? 

Szak- means that something or somebody is specialized in something. For example, szaküzlet is a shop, which is specialized in selling mobile phones. 

We have many other words starting with szak-. 

  • szakorvos is a doctor (orvos = doctor), who is specialized in a medical field, a specialist
  • szakmunkás is a skilled worker (munkás = worker) 
  • szakember is a en expert (ember = man, human)
  • szakiskola is a vocational school (iskola = school) 
  • szakképzés is vocational training (képzés = forming, training) 

Szak, as a special field, has a meaning by itself too. It refers to BSc or MSc level university programs. 

  • Matematika szakos vagyok = approx. I am specialized in the maths program (szakos = adjective derived from szak)



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♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


Címkék: vocabulary

General and definite verbal conjugations

A follower asked me to talk about "alanyi" and "tárgyas" conjugations. 

My channel is devoted to discussing basic grammar, simple expressions and pronunciation excercises, and this request addresses a more complex topic, which -- at least I think -- should be taught at least at intermediate level, but perhaps we can talk about the basic idea of these types of conjugations. 

Let's see three English sentences: 

  • (1) I'm reading. 
  • (2) I'm reading a book.
  • (3) I'm reading the book.

The verbal structures in the three sentences are the same ("I'm reading"), but it is clear that regarding the object (the book), the sentences are very different. In (1) there is no object, only the fact is important that the activity that the speaker is doing is reading, in (2) there is an indefinite object -- it doesn't matter what book it is, only the fact is important that it is a book that the speaker is reading -- and in (3) there is a definite object, i.e. the speaker and the listener have a previous knowledge of what book it is (perhaps they had been talking about it, or the listener gave the book to the speaker some time ago etc.).

While the English language does not use different verbal structures or conjugations as the object changes, Hungarian does. In the first two cases, we use a conjugation type called "general" or "subject oriented" (általános vagy alanyi), while in the third case, we use "definite" or "object oriented" (határozott vagy tárgyas) conjugation. 

Therefore the three sentences above will look like:

  • (1) Olvasok.. 
  • (2) Olvasok egy könyvet. Or: Egy könyvet olvasok. 
  • (3) Olvasom a könyvet. Or: A könyvet olvasom. 

So olvasok is the general form and olvasom is the definite form, both meaning "I'm reading" or "I read", 

I recommend that you learn verbs with the articles or even nouns so you will know which conjugation you should use in different situations: olvasok egy..., olvasom a.... 

Let's see another example

  • (1) Kérek egy kávét.. 
  • (2) Kérem a kávét. 

kérni = to ask for

    Now you see that in sentence (1), the speaker is asking for a coffee (new information), while sentence (2) implies that they both know what coffee it is, perhaps there is a cup of coffee, which the listener offered some minutes ago, but the speaker only wants it now. So they both know what coffee it is. 

    Replying to @lusalien #magyar #hunpron #hungarian #language #hungary

    ♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


    "Two" in Hungarian

    We use two words for "two": kettő and két

    Although they both mean the same, there is a little difference between their uses.Let's see some examples. 


    • Q: Hány autó van az utcán? = How many cars are there in the street?
    • A: Kettő. = Two. 

    You can see that kettő is alone here with no word following it. In the next sentence,however


    • Két autó van az utcán. = There are two cars in the street. 

    Két is followed by a noun. In such cases, két is generally used. 

    While in case (1), két cannot be used, it is not uncommon to hear kettő in sentences like that in case (2). 


    Replying to @nic_cody #hungarian #hunpron #magyar #hungary

    ♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


    Basic Hungarian Vocabulary: Computer parts

    Ez egy... = This is a...

    • számítógép = computer
    • egér = mouse 
    • monitor = monitor 
    • billentyűzet = keyboard
    • nyomtató = printer
    • szkenner = scanner
    • két hangszóró = two speakers


    The word számítógép consists of two parts: számító + gép. Számító means "computing" or "computer" (számítani = "to compute") and gép means "machine". Similarly, nyomtató means "printing" or "printer", with nyomtatni meaning "to print".

    Hangszóró also consists of two parts: hang + szóró. Hang = "sound" and szóró = "scatterer". Szórni = "to scatter". Note that we don't use plural after numerals, so hangszóró is singular. In other cases, plural form of hangszóró can be used, for example, 

    • Új hangszórók vannak a kirakatban. = There are new speakers in the shopwindow. 



    #computer #hungary #hungarian #hunpron #magyar #words #language

    ♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

    Címkék: vocabulary

    Good morning

    Jó reggelt!

    • = good
    • reggel = morning

    As you can see, there is a -t suffix (reggelt), because reggel is the object in this sentence and the -t suffix (accusative case) should be used with the object. In this case, the object belongs to the verb kívánni (to wish something - this something is the object), but kívánni is not always present. When kívánni is present, the expression looks like?: 

    Jó reggelt kívánok!

    • kívánok = I wish 



    #onthisday #morning #hungarian #hungary #pécs #hunpron #language

    ♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

    It was raining

    • esik az eső = it is raining
    • esett az eső = it was raining


    Esik means "falls" or "is falling" (esni = "to fall"). Eső is "rain", but it derives from the verb esni, therefore it is literally "faller". The past tense form of this verb (3rd person singular) is esett

    If you want to say this in future tense, you can use the ...-ni fog structure. Fog is an auxiliary verb (at least here. Otherwise it means "tooth"). So the sentence is:

    • Esni fog az eső = It will rain, it is going to rain
    • Holnap esni fog az eső = It will rain tomorrow. 

    #hungary #hungarian #hunpron #magyar #language

    ♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation



    Basic Hungarian vocabulary: Activities

    (Ők) mit csinálnak? = What are they doing? 

    Observe the 3rd person plural forms of the verbs (-nak/nek ending).

    • ők táncolnak = they are dancing
    • ők esznek = they are eating
    • ők isznak = they are drinking
    • ők várnak = they are waiting
    • ők olvasnak = they are reading

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    ♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


    Basic Hungarian Vocabulary: Vehicles

    Ez egy... = this is a/an...

    • hajó = ship, boat
    • komp = ferry 
    • vonat = train
    • villamos = tram
    • busz = bus
    • teherautó = truck, lorry
    • kamion = truck, lorry (large one, like those transporting cargo containers)


    Teherautó is a compound word. 

    • teher = burden
    • autó = car



    #vocabulary #hungarian #hunpron #magyar #hungary #language

    ♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

    Címkék: vocabulary
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