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Hungarian Pronunciation

Day of Hungarian Culture

On Janurary, 22 we celebrate the Day of Hungarian Culture. On this day in 1823, Hungarian poet Ferenc Kölcsey completed his poem Hymnus, and later this poem became the anthem of Hungary. 

  • magyar kultúra = Hungarian culture
  • nap = day

Here we have a possessive structure, in which Hungarian culture is the owner and day is the property. One common way of expressing this possessive relation is using a suffix, but this suffix is attached to the property, Think of this scheme: 

  • Hungarian culture day(its), where its = "of Hungarian culture".  

This relation is expressed by the suffix -ja/je or -a/e in some cases, so the structure will look like

  • A magyar kultúra napja.

#culture #hungarian #hungary #magyar #language

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation




Going shopping

How to say "I'm going shopping" in Hungarian? 

Vásárolni megyek. 

  • vásárolni = to do the shopping
  • megyek = I am going, I go 

You can observe the word vásár ("fair") in the verb vásárolni. In Hungarian we do not have continuous tenses, so we have the same form for "I am going" and "I go":

Na, megyek vásárolni. 

This is a colloquial form to express that you have just made a decision to go to the shop, something like "OK, I'm going shopping."

  • vásárló = customer


Boltba megyek

  • bolt = shop

Here we use the suffix -ba/be, which means "into". So this expression means "I am going into the shop". We chose the -ba version because of the vowel harmony rules,.

It is not uncommon to see instances of incorrect use of -ba/be. Incorrect use means that some native speakers say -ba/be instead of -ban/ben, which means "in". So the sentence:

  • A boltban vagyok. = I am in the shop.

is correct, but if somebody writes

  • *A boltba vagyok. 

is definitely incorrect, since -ba/be expresses a movement (into) and not a position (inside). However, in spoken language, we are often too lazy to pronounce the final n of -ban/ben - this may be the reason of this confusion. With -ba/be, sentences expressing movement or direction, like

  • A boltba megyek.

are correct. 


#shopping #hungarian #hungary #magyar #language

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation



How to address teachers in Hungarian?

A map shows "teacher" for Hungary, which is tanár in Hungarian. 

Using the only the word tanár is, however, impolite. You should say the Hungarian equivalents of "Mr. teacher" or "Ms. teacher": 

  • tanár úr
  • tanárnő

Úr is Mister or Sir, while means "woman". Note that when we talk about professionals like above, úr is a separate word, but when we talk about ladies, we form compound words. This is a general rule and can be observed in other cases like,

  • igazgató úr vs. igazgatónő
  • doktor úr vs.doktornő

igazgató = director (of a company, an office, a school, but not that of a movie), doktor = MD


#stitch with @𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧🗺️ #teacher #hungarian #magyar #language

♬ original sound - 𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧🗺️


What will the weather be like?

Let's build this question!

1. First, we'll need a question word. In Hungarian, milyen is used when you are asking about the quality of something. So it means "what is it like" in one word. 

2. Second, we'll need the word "weather". Weather is időjárás, but in everyday situations it is more common to say idő. Note that idő also means "time", so sometimes it may be confusing. For example, when you say "nice time" or "good time" in English, you think of having fun or enjoying yourself. However, if you translate this to Hungarian as szép idő or jó idő, Hungarians will think of a nice weather.

3. We'll need the future form of "to be". In Hungarian, it is lesz.

Now, we can construct the sentence: 

  • Milyen idő lesz? 

You can also add adverbs of time:

  • Milyen idő lesz ma? 
  • Milyen idő lesz holnap?
  • Milyen idő lesz a jövő héten?


ma = today

holnap = tomorrow

a jövő héten = ("on the") next week



#weather #winter #snow #hungarian #hungary #language #grammar

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

Where will they go?

A follower asked "How about where they will go Sir?"

First, we'll need a question word. If you are asking about the direction of a movement, you should use hova or hová. Think of the following dialogue: 

A: "Where are you going?" 

B: "I'm going to the cinema." 

Hova or hová expresses the idea of "where to?".  If you are asking about a location, you use hol? Hol is incorrect if your question is about directions. Pay attention to this, because in English, "where" is used in both cases. 

Back to the original question "Where will they go?"

1. Ők hova mennek? Hova mennek?    

  • ők mennek or simply mennek: they are going or they go. There is no continuous tense in Hungarian, so mennek is the only present tense form. Note that present tense can be used to express future activities if it is obvious from the context, or there is an adverb of time referring to future. For exapmle, Ők holnap hova mennek? Holnap = "tomorrow". 


2. Ők hova fognak menni? Hova fognak menni?    

  • the structure fog ...-ni expresses future tense. Fog is an auxiliary verb. Fognak ...-ni = "they will ..."


3. Ők majd hova mennek? Ők hova mennek majd? 

  • majd + present also expresses future tense. Majd has no other forms so it remains unchanged if you use it with any of the singular and plural forms of the verb. 




Replying to @zvizenon #hungarian #hungary #magyar #question #grammar

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

Címkék: questions

Thank you

How to say "Thank you" in Hungarian? 


  • "I thank" 

Köszönöm szépen

  • "thank you beautifully, nicely"

Nagyon szépen köszönöm

  • "thank you very beautifully"

Köszi, kösz

  • Used in informal situations.


szép = beautiful, nice

nagyon = very



#onthisday #thankyou #hungary #hungarian #magyar #language

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


What is this?

Mi ez? 

  • mi = what
  • ez = this

"Is" is missing in this kind of questions. Therefore *Mi van ez? is incorrect. 

Ez mi?

This version is also possible, There is more emphasis on ez ("this one", "this item"). We mostly say this when we are surprised (to find something unexpectedly) or there are several items and you emphasize that "this one" and not another item. 


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♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

Winter landscape


Winter in Hungarian is tél. However, if you want to use it as an adjective (like "winter landscape"), we say téli.

  • téli hónapok = winter months
  • téli időjárás = winter weather


We usually say táj, when we talk about the natural beauty of an area, also when we are physically present at the given location, but we say tájkép, if we are talking about a picture showing a landscape. 

  • kép = image, picture



#winter #snow #driving #hungary #magyar #fyp

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

it's snowing again

Esik a hó. 

We discussed that this means "Snow is falling", basically "it's snowing". If you want to say "it's snowing again", you can say: Megint esik a hó. 

megint, ismét, újra

They all mean "again", but in in everyday situations megint is more commonly used. 


#snow #weather #winter #hungarian #magyar #hungary

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation
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