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Hungarian Pronunciation


Át- is a prefix and it generally expresses movement from one point to another. 

Let's see some examples!

Example 1

  • menni = to go 
  • átmenni = to go over (to another point) 

It you add the path (through what you are moving from one point to another), you add suffix -on/en/ön. For example,

  • Átmegyek az úton = I am crossing the road. út + on
  • Átmegyek a hídon = I am crossing the bridge. híd + on


Example 2

In negative sentences the prefix is detached and is placed after the verb. 

  • Nem megyek át az úton = I am not crossing the road
  • Nem megyek át a hídon = I am not crossing the bridge


Example 3

Same with questions. 

  • Miért megyünk át az úton? = Why are we crossing the road? 
  • Mikor megyünk át a hídon? = When will we cross the bridge? 


Example 4

Same with imperatives.

  • Menj át az úton! = Cross the road. 
  • Menjünk át a hídon! = Let's cross the bridge. 



Basic Hungarian Vocabulary: Cultural centre

kaptár = hive

művelődési központ

  • művelni = to cultivate
  • művelődés = "self-cultivation" = reading, attending cultural events etc.
  • központ = centre
  • művelődési központ = cultural centre

Observe the -i suffix, it makes an adjective of the noun.

If you want to say in Kaptár, it is a Kaptárban. Here we use suffix -ban/ben, which means "in", and choose -ban because of the vowel harmony. 

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Címkék: vocabulary

main entrance

főbejárat = main entrance

fő- means main, chief, head, main, principal, first... in structures, which express that something or somebody is in a higher position. 


  • főorvos = chief physician
  • főmérnök = first engineer
  • főigazgató = director-general (note that we also have vezérigazgató, which is also "director-general" or "chief director" or CEO, but suggests a much higher rank than a főigazgató, which is actually "main director"). 

 is also used as a synonym of "person", especially when you book a room or make a reservation in a restaurant:

  • öt főre or öt fő részére = for five persons

Sometimes we use fő as "the main thing", "the most important thing" too, especially when there was an unpleasant event and you want to say something positive. 

  • a fő, hogy... = the main thing is that... 
  • a fő, hogy hazaértél = the main thing is that you got home
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because of

"Because of" is miatt in Hungarian. It should be noted that miatt is a postposition, which means that it is placed after the word it governs. In the Hungarian language, we have a lot of postpositions. 

Let's see a few examples:

  • a rossz idő miatt = because of the bad weather
  • a rossz idő miatt otthon maradtunk = because of the bad weather, we stayed at home

It is not unusual to use miatt when we blame somebody or something for something bad:

  • Joe miatt vesztettünk = we lost because of Joe

Another example: 

  • egy baleset miatt = because of an accident
  • egy baleset miatt lezárták az utat = they closed the road because of an accident
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egyetérteni = to agree

We don't have an auxiliary verb equivalent to "do" in English, therefore questions and negative structures are formed in a different way. 

When we want to ask the other person if they agree or not, we simply conjugate the verb and use an interrogative intonation. If it's a statement like "you agree", egyetértesz, which is a declaration, the intonation is falling. If it is a question: "do you agree?" - we still use the same word, but there is a peak on the syllable -ér-. Egyetértesz?

Note that egyetértesz is informal. If you want to use it in a formal way (doctors, teachers, elderly people etc), it's egyetért.


    • intelligens = intelligent
    • ház = house
    • kocsi = carriage, but in colloqual language it also means car
    • óra = watch, clocl
    • idióta = idiot 

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♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation
Címkék: vocabulary

I'm happy

In a previous video, we discussed that one form of introduction is the ... vagyok structure, where ... is your name. This simply means "I am ...". 

The same structure can be used to express your feelings, emotions etc. For example, you may want to say "I'm happy", this will be boldog vagyok

Other examples:

  • szomorú vagyok = I'm sad
  • jól vagyok = I'm well
  • rosszul vagyok = I'm unwell




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♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

I live in Budapest

A follower asked me to explain how to say "I live", "I will live" and "I have lived" in Budapest. 

First, we use the verb élni, which means "to live". 

1. I live in Budapest

The first person singular form of this verb is élek (I live). "In Budapest" is Budapesten. Here we use the -on/en/ön suffix, which means "on" in English. There are several other instances where -on/en/ön is used to express "in" (a city), for example Szegeden, Miskolcon, Kecskeméten

Thus, the sentence is: Budapesten élek. 

Note that the personal pronoun is usually not needed, since the verbal conjugation expresses the person. However, it is possible to use the personal pronoun: Én Budapesten élek.

2. I will live in Budapest

There are several ways of expressing future tense in Hungarian. One possibility is the fog ...-ni structure, in which fog is an auxiliary verb and has its own conjugation. The first person singular form of this structure is fogok ...-ni. 

The sentence is therefore: Budapesten fogok élni. 

3. I have lived in Budapest

In Hungarian, we don't have perfect tenses, only simple tenses. So the Hungarian translation of this sentence will look like "I lived in Budapest". If the "perfectness" needs to be emphasized, we use extra words or clauses, but here we remain with the simple past version without any additions. So the simple past form of "I lived" is éltem

The final sentence is therefore: Budapesten éltem


Lakni is another verb to express that you live somewhere. The main difference is that lakni is more like "to dwell", "to use an apartment" rather than "to live" in general. Note that the noun lakás, which derives from the same verb, means apartment/flat. The sentences with this verb are: 

  • Budapesten lakom.
  • Budapesten fogok lakni. 
  • Budapesten laktam. 



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♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

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