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Hungarian Pronunciation

The bill, please!

When you have finished your meal in a restaurant, and you want to pay, you say "he bill, please" in English. Although it is possible to say this in Hungarian too, we normally say the Hungarian equivalent of "excuse me, I'd like to pay". Let's see these words.

  • elnézést = ecxuse me
  • fizetni = to pay
  • szeretnék = I'd like to 

so the full sentence is

  • Elnézést, fizetni szeretnék. 

In general, if you want to call the waiter, you raise your hand and say elnézést, or legyen szíves ("please", formal).

When you pay, the waiter may ask you if you want to pay by card or in cash. In Hungarian: kártya vagy készpénz ("card or cash")?  In Hungarian, we use the Hungarian equivalent of with in both cases, which is the -val/vel suffix.

By card

If you want to say that you'll pay by card, first you take the noun and the suffix:

  • kártya + val

Here we choose -val, because of the vowel harmony rule (-vel does not match the vowels a and á in kártya). Now, we apply a rule, which says that the word final -a will become -á when a suffix is attached. Thus:

  • kártya + val  ⇒ kártyával

In cash

Again, we take the noun and the suffix:

  • készpénz + vel

Now, we choose -vel, because it harmonizes with the vowels of készpénz. Then we apply another rule, which says that if we add the -val/vel suffix to a noun, which ends in a consonant, the v of -val/vel will change to that consonant. Therefore:

  • készpénz + vel készpénzzel

So, in this situation you may say kártyával fizetek or készpénzzel fizetek

  • fizetek = I pay

#restaurant #pay #bill #hungary #hungarian #magyar

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation



hogy = how, that

A follower asked me to talk about the meanings of hogy

Hogy is a short form of the question word hogyan, so it should be no surprise that hogy is used in questions like

  • Hogy vagy? = How are you? 
  • Hogy mondtad? = How did you say that? 

Hogy is also a conjunction, i.e. a word connecting two clauses, like "that" in English. 

  • Azt akarom mondani, hogy... = I want to say that...

We use a comma before hogy. 

It is not unusual to have sentences with both of them: 

  • Azt akarom kérdezni, hogy hogy vagy. = "I want to ask you that how are you".

Finally, a double hogy: hogyhogy? 

We say this when we are surprised to hear something unexpected. Something like "how come?", "how is it possible?", or simply a substitute to "why?" expressing surprise. 



Replying to @ikebanajose #how #hungarian #magyar #hunpron #hungary

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


"I'm sorry" Part 2, sajnálom

A follower asked me about the word sajnálom. 

While sajnálom is also a word that expresses "I am sorry", there is a clear difference when compared with bocsánat, elnézést, or ne haragudj. These three are appropriate when you have made a mistake or hurt somebody.

Sajnálom expresses your empathy and is more likely used in situations like the other person has lost his job, so you are not involved in the other person's problem. 




Replying to @jules_5168 #sorry #magyar #hunpron #hungarian #hungary

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

"I'm sorry" in Hungarian

A follower asked me to explain how we say "I'm sorry". 

There are several ways of saying "I'm sorry", but now we'll talk about three. 

1. Bocsánatot kérek

Bocsánat is something like "forgiveness", so this sentence means "I am asking for forgiveness". It is very common only to say bocsánat, especially if the situation is not that serious, like you accidentally step on another person's foot on the bus. If the situation is more serious, like you hurt somebody, bocsánatot kérek is much deeper. 

Note that short versions like bocs or bocsi, or even bocsika also exist. These versions are informal and I would never use these when talking to elderly people, doctors, policemen etc. 

2. Elnézést kérek

Elnézést kérek is "I am asking for excuse". A short version is elnézést!  I would use it in formal situations and not with family members, close colleagues, friends. 

3. Ne haragudj! Ne haragudjon!

This is something like "don't be angry". The first one is informal and the second one is formal. 



Replying to @otsieeeee #hungarian #language #magyar #hungary #sorry

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation




Well... Hááát...

Hát, which is similar to well in English is a commonly used word in Hungarian. It belongs to the word family called discourse markers. Although its use is often stigmatized, it is an essential component of spoken language since it effectively expresses the attitudes or feelings of the speaker (rather than conveying an exact lexical meaning). 

It may add extra emphasis to a phrase, or express uncertainity, cluelessness, or can even substitute "yes" when the speaker does not want to say "yes". 



Replying to @bryanporphirio #well #hungary #hungarian #language #magyar

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

Így and ilyen

A follower asked me to talk about the differences between így and ilyen

  • Így means "this way", so basically it describes how an action is performed. Therefore, it is used with verbs. 
  • Ilyen means "like this", and it is used with nouns, adjectives and adverbs. 

Examples with English translation as close as possible: 

  • Én így főzök kávét = I make coffee this way
  • Én ezt nem így csinálom = I don't do this this way. 
  • Te így jössz? = Are you coming this way? Referring to the clothes the other person is wearing (before leaving for a program etc)
  • Ilyen autót szeretnék = I want a car like this (noun)
  • Nem tudtam, hogy a lángos ilyen finom = I didn't know that lángos was tasty like this (adjective)
  • Nem tudtam, hogy ilyen jól beszélsz magyarul = I didn't know that you speak (present tense) Hungarian well like this (adverb)

Replying to @miaaalxx #hungarian #language #magyar #grammar #hungary

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation



I visited a lake, which is located near a village called Orfű, in the South-Western part of the country. 

There are two ways of saying (actually, better to say: writing) "the lake of Orfű". 

1. If we want to say that we have visited the lake, which is located near Orfű, we can talk about orfűi tó. Yes, O is small. The reason is, that the addition of -i forms an adjective, so the word is not a proper noun any more. 

2. If it is a geographical name, which happens many times, i.e. a lake (mountain, hill, anything) is named after a nearby town or village, we write Orfűi-tó. This is a proper noun, so an initial capital letter is used. Also, a hyphon is used. 




#lake #nature #hungary #magyar #hungarian #language

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

I saw a cat

Let's first collect the words. 

  • látni = to see
  • láttam = 1st person singular form in past tense, i.e. I saw
  • egy = a, an
  • macska = cat 

Before constructing the sentence, we need to note that the verb látni has an object: látni valamit = to see something. It is a general rule in Hungarian that in cases like this, we use the -t suffix. The -t suffix belongs to the accusative case, which expresses that the particular noun is the object in this structure. In this sentence macska is the object, so macska + t is the solution. 

It is another rule that if you add a suffix to a noun, which ends in -a, the final -a will become .Therefore

macska + t macskát

So the sentence is: Láttam egy macskát. 

And what about dogs?

If you want to say "I saw a dog", you'll need to follow exactly the same steps. dog = kutya, so kutya ⇨ kutyát, therefore: Láttam egy kutyát. 




#onthisday #cat #dog #hungarian #hungary #magyar #hunpron #language

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation

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