hogy = how, that

A follower asked me to talk about the meanings of hogy

Hogy is a short form of the question word hogyan, so it should be no surprise that hogy is used in questions like

  • Hogy vagy? = How are you? 
  • Hogy mondtad? = How did you say that? 

Hogy is also a conjunction, i.e. a word connecting two clauses, like "that" in English. 

  • Azt akarom mondani, hogy... = I want to say that...

We use a comma before hogy. 

It is not unusual to have sentences with both of them: 

  • Azt akarom kérdezni, hogy hogy vagy. = "I want to ask you that how are you".

Finally, a double hogy: hogyhogy? 

We say this when we are surprised to hear something unexpected. Something like "how come?", "how is it possible?", or simply a substitute to "why?" expressing surprise. 



Replying to @ikebanajose #how #hungarian #magyar #hunpron #hungary

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation