What will the weather be like?

Let's build this question!

1. First, we'll need a question word. In Hungarian, milyen is used when you are asking about the quality of something. So it means "what is it like" in one word. 

2. Second, we'll need the word "weather". Weather is időjárás, but in everyday situations it is more common to say idő. Note that idő also means "time", so sometimes it may be confusing. For example, when you say "nice time" or "good time" in English, you think of having fun or enjoying yourself. However, if you translate this to Hungarian as szép idő or jó idő, Hungarians will think of a nice weather.

3. We'll need the future form of "to be". In Hungarian, it is lesz.

Now, we can construct the sentence: 

  • Milyen idő lesz? 

You can also add adverbs of time:

  • Milyen idő lesz ma? 
  • Milyen idő lesz holnap?
  • Milyen idő lesz a jövő héten?


ma = today

holnap = tomorrow

a jövő héten = ("on the") next week



#weather #winter #snow #hungarian #hungary #language #grammar

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation