"I'm sorry" in Hungarian
A follower asked me to explain how we say "I'm sorry".
There are several ways of saying "I'm sorry", but now we'll talk about three.
1. Bocsánatot kérek
Bocsánat is something like "forgiveness", so this sentence means "I am asking for forgiveness". It is very common only to say bocsánat, especially if the situation is not that serious, like you accidentally step on another person's foot on the bus. If the situation is more serious, like you hurt somebody, bocsánatot kérek is much deeper.
Note that short versions like bocs or bocsi, or even bocsika also exist. These versions are informal and I would never use these when talking to elderly people, doctors, policemen etc.
2. Elnézést kérek
Elnézést kérek is "I am asking for excuse". A short version is elnézést! I would use it in formal situations and not with family members, close colleagues, friends.
3. Ne haragudj! Ne haragudjon!
This is something like "don't be angry". The first one is informal and the second one is formal.
@hunpron Replying to @otsieeeee #hungarian #language #magyar #hungary #sorry
♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation