The blog of the HunPron TikTok channel

Hungarian Pronunciation


keresni is to look for, to search for. Keresés is a noun formed of this verb. 

Note that the word keresni has another meaning, which may cause confusion. Keresni also means "to earn money". So if somebody asks Mennyit keresel?, this question does not refer to your efforts to find something, but it is about how much money you earn with your work. Mennyi = how much/many? 

friss topikok

friss = fresh, and topik = topic, but topik is not used in everyday situations. 

topikok = topics


címke = label, címkék = labels. Note that the final -e becomes when a suffix is added. 


#hungarian #magyar #hungary #blog

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation






Címkék: vocabulary


  • szem = eye
  • vizsgálat = examination 

Other uses of examination include: orvosi vizsgálat = medical examination 

Note that this szemvizsgálat is a compound word. There is a possessive relation (examination of eye), which requires the comopund nature of this structure. Therefore, *szem vizsgálat is incorrect. 

Do not confuse vizsgálat with vizsga. Vizsga is "exam". 

Other uses: 

    • szakértői vizsgálat = expert's investigation/inspection
    • hivatalos vizsgálat = official investigation/insperction

#examination #hungarian #magyar #language

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation
Címkék: vocabulary

yupee - teszek

This is an answer to a question. 

Yupee is not generally used in Hungarian. Perhaps children say this when they are happy, but the everyday use of this word is very limited. I have never heard "yupee" when peple said good-bye to each other. 

Teszek means "I am placing stg to/on/in stg". So it is not related to "again" in any way. Other uses include teszek egy próbát - "I'll give it a try". 

"again" = megint, újra, ismét


Replying to @kielthuzad #hungarian #magyar #hungary

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation



Címkék: vocabulary

Shopping items in Hungarian - Part 3

  • kávé = coffee
  • majonéz = mayonnaise
  • őrölt paprika = paprika powder
  • burgonya (formal), krumpli (informal) = potato

We do not use burgonya or krumpli in plural, so if you want to say that you have bought potatoes, it is fine to say Vettem krumplit ("I have bought potato"), even if it is only one piece. Other options: Vettem egy krumplit (one piece) or Vettem egy kiló krumplit (one kilo of potatoes). 



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♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


Címkék: vocabulary

I like your glasses

Tetszik a szemüveged

  • Tetszik means "I like", but it works in a different way. Instead of an equivalent of "I like it", think of the verbs like "it looks good", "it seems nice" etc. So tetszik nekem (I like it) is very much like "to me it likes". Nekem is very often omitted, because the context tells you who likes that object. 
  • szemüveged = "your glasses". szeműveg + ed. 


Jó a szemüveged

  • = "good", but here think of "nice".


Tök jó a szemüveged

  • tök is a slang word and intensifies the meaning of an adjective or adverb. Tök jó = "pretty good"
  • Tök jó az új szemüveged! - Your new glasses are pretty good. 


Jól áll neked ez a szemüveg.

  • jól áll = "fits well". Áll is actually "stands".
  • jól áll neked = "fits you well"

Replying to @healy0100 #glasses #hungarian #magyar #language

♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


Címkék: simple phrases

It's snowing

There are several ways of saying "it's snowing". 

1. Esik a hó.

  • esni = to fall
  • esik = he/she/it falls
  • hó = snow 

2. Hull a hó. 

  • hullani is another word for "esni", but with show, it's sounds poetic for me. In some dialects it may be usual though. In standard Hungarian it can be used with leaves: Hullanak a levelek. = Leaves are falling, but in other situations hullani is not used. For example, Leestem a székről. = I fell from the chair. Hullani would be rather unusual or funny here. In this sentence, the le- prefix expresses that the action was completed. 

3. Havazik. 

  •  havazni = to snow

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♬ snowfall - Øneheart & reidenshi


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