I like your glasses
Tetszik a szemüveged
- Tetszik means "I like", but it works in a different way. Instead of an equivalent of "I like it", think of the verbs like "it looks good", "it seems nice" etc. So tetszik nekem (I like it) is very much like "to me it likes". Nekem is very often omitted, because the context tells you who likes that object.
- szemüveged = "your glasses". szeműveg + ed.
Jó a szemüveged
- jó = "good", but here think of "nice".
Tök jó a szemüveged
- tök is a slang word and intensifies the meaning of an adjective or adverb. Tök jó = "pretty good"
- Tök jó az új szemüveged! - Your new glasses are pretty good.
Jól áll neked ez a szemüveg.
- jól áll = "fits well". Áll is actually "stands".
- jól áll neked = "fits you well"
@hunpron Replying to @healy0100 #glasses #hungarian #magyar #language
♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation