
In a shopping centre, I saw this: 

Mobiltelefon should not be a problem for a language learner, but what about szaküzlet?

üzlet = business, shop

And szak? 

Szak- means that something or somebody is specialized in something. For example, szaküzlet is a shop, which is specialized in selling mobile phones. 

We have many other words starting with szak-. 

  • szakorvos is a doctor (orvos = doctor), who is specialized in a medical field, a specialist
  • szakmunkás is a skilled worker (munkás = worker) 
  • szakember is a en expert (ember = man, human)
  • szakiskola is a vocational school (iskola = school) 
  • szakképzés is vocational training (képzés = forming, training) 

Szak, as a special field, has a meaning by itself too. It refers to BSc or MSc level university programs. 

  • Matematika szakos vagyok = approx. I am specialized in the maths program (szakos = adjective derived from szak)



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♬ original sound - Hungarian Pronunciation


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